BUF 新闻


 How is the Baptist University of Florida (BUF) maximizing its kingdom impact? How are we magnifying the glory of God? We are accomplishing these goals by faithfully equipping the men and women entrusted to us to make a gospel impact in both vocational ministry and corporate workplaces. Our students are being prepared to glorify God locally, nationally, and even internationally. With this in mind, our student spotlight belongs to Raelynn Simpson.  

 Raelynn is a junior at BUF majoring in Business Leadership. Raelynn calls Graceville home with her family living only ten minutes away. She started at BUF as a dual-enrollment student during her junior year of high school. After completing high school, Raelynn chose to become a full-time, on-campus student at BUF because she desired to continue her education in a Christian environment and community. She was drawn to BUF’s Bachelor of Arts in Business Leadership because of its versatility and its wide variety of career opportunities. Raelynn is faithfully waiting on the Lord’s direction in what to do after finishing her degree, but she is not idle in the waiting. Raelynn is excelling as a Business Leadership student. Because of its practicality in every business field, one of her favorite classes in the program has been Communications for the Workplace with Dr. Chantel Oney, BUF’s Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment and Chair of the Business Leadership Division. In addition to being a full-time student, Raelynn is already putting her business knowledge into practice by working part-time in the office of a small local business. Raelynn is making a gospel impact in the community alongside her church, Grace Church in Bonifay, FL, where she serves in kids’ ministry.    

 Raelynn is grateful for the preparation she is receiving at BUF, and she is excited for the future ahead of her. Raelyn shared, “One of the biggest ways BUF is equipping me for my calling is by teaching me everything I need to know to succeed in a career within my degree while also keeping my education Christ-centered. I have incredible professors preparing me for the workforce as well as showing me what it looks like to keep Christ at the center of my life. I have such a great community around me that encourages me and holds me accountable. I have grown so much since coming to BUF!” At BUF, we are a community encouraging one another and growing together. We are preparing students to magnify Christ in every setting. Students like Raelynn is how BUF is making a kingdom impact.

 The Baptist University of Florida is Florida's affordable, accessible, contextual, and exceptional Christian higher education institution. Join the movement today at buf.edu/apply!